In the spotlight: Littles

Company name: Littles
Who? Heather Matthews, Managing Director of Little’s

What were you doing between 10 and 12 this morning?
I have been discussing the delivery of four new Jaguar XF cars with Operations and have held an internal meeting about the Scottish Business Awards (for which we are sponsoring a category) and providing chauffeur driven cars.

What do you see as your job’s biggest challenge?
I think my biggest challenge as Managing Director for a family run company, is to be continually innovative whilst ensuring tradition and service are maintained to the same high standard.

What do you consider your biggest business triumph?
Our international growth, whilst I’ve been Managing Director, has been considerable. This year we have entered new markets including Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines. On top of that we’ve increased our presence in China, USA and Europe. In event terms, and personally, managing 140 chauffeurs driven cars for Chanel in Edinburgh at the end of 2012 was a recent triumph.

Do you have any money-saving business tips?
I believe in using trusted, recommended suppliers – if they waste your time, it’s your money too and if you have to spend more on rectifying an issue, that’s an even higher cost to your business.

What do you believe are the 3 key stages on your career ladder?
Initially, I spent five years in Reservations learning the business from the most basic point of view in terms of customer service & allocation of cars and chauffeurs. In 1997 I became a Partner and then, following a long succession planning period, I became M.D. in 2005 when my father retired. Each stage taught me valuable lessons and I draw on my experience of all of them every single day.

Where do you stand on work/life balance?
I think it’s important to balance family life with work especially considering ours is a family business. I think holidays are vital for quality time away from the office but if I’m needed I answer the phone and respond to email. I make sure I leave the office earlier during quiet periods to make up for the long hours I work when we are very busy. I am taking a very early summer holiday this year in preparation for the onslaught of the Commonwealth Games and Ryder Cup when time off will be impossible. Planning is key.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I enjoy spending time with my son and husband. I run, I garden, I see friends, I cook and bake.

What qualities do you need to see in your employees?
All my employees have to be able to offer the highest level of service to our clients which involves being professional, dedicated and ready to ‘go the extra mile’. Loyalty is important to me as well, I believe in treating my staff well and reward them with long service related bonuses to try and ensure continuity for our clients.

In business, is it more important to be liked or successful?
I don’t think it is an ‘either or’ but I do believe integrity is key. I will always try and do the right thing for my business and my staff while maintaining my reputation. I believe in doing things the correct way and always taking a long term view.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to others trying to reach the top?
To reach the top you have to really know your business and the market it operates in. Little’s started in 1966 and we have evolved with the changing needs of our clients. However it’s our high level of service, that our market expects, that keeps us at the top.

Who is your hero?
Monty Don for his philosophical attitude to life and gardening.

Any business (or other) projects you would like to plug?
I was a founding board member of the Scottish Family Business Association and feel the work they do is very important for advising businesses like ours across the country.

Other than your current position, what would be your dream job?
I would love to be a garden designer.

Who (living or dead) would you invite to a fantasy dinner party?
For comedy value, Graham Norton or Eddie Izzard; for industry knowledge, Terez Perez, a Brazilian travel agent we work with and who
I had dinner with last year; Monty Don, Maxi Jazz, and finally Kenneth Good, my Operations Director, always a top dinner party guest. And he would cook too.

Outside of business, what is the most important thing in your life?
My family and, in particular, my four year old son Rory.

As featured in Business Comment magazine. To read the full magazine follow the link to our website:

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